What is a Precinct Chair?
Precinct Chairs are the backbone of the Hunt County Democratic Party.
A precinct chair is the local representative of the Democratic Party and its candidates at the neighborhood, grass-roots level in each voting precinct.
Each of Hunt County’s 36 voting precincts can have its own precinct chair, although many have few or even no voters, and are covered by their neighbors.
What Precinct Chairs Do
The primary job of a precinct chair is to turn out voters within their precinct.
Good precinct chairs can make an enormous difference. When you look at the election returns, you can tell which precincts have active chairs by comparing them to neighboring precincts with the same demographics but significantly lower voter turnout.
Hunt County Voting Precincts
Following is a list of Hunt County voting precincts and their Democratic chairperson. If a precinct is blank, it does not have a chair.
Contact [email protected] to express your interest in serving in a vacant precinct chair position.